- Full name:
- ELTE-Soft Research and Development Non-profit Limited Liability Company
- Short name:
- ELTE-Soft Non-profit Ltd.
- Year of foundation:
- 2008.
- Main activity:
- 7219 Other, nature and technology, research and development (public utility)
- Statistical code:
- 14560325-7219-572-01
- Company number:
- 01-09-909409
- VAT number:
- 14560325-2-43
- Community VAT number:
- HU14560325
- EU register (PIC code):
- 974810425
- Bank account number (MKB BANK ZRT Budapest):
- 10300002-10599204-49020014 HUF
- 10300002-10599204-49020017 EUR
- SWIFT code:
- MKB HU97 1030 0002 1059 9204 4902 0014 HUF
- MKB HU26 1030 0002 1059 9204 4882 0017 EUR
- Membership:
- IVSZ – ICT Association of Hungary (Informatikai Vállalkozók Szövetsége)(2009)
- Company address:
- 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c
- Acting manager:
- dr. László Gábori
- Participants:
- Eötvös Loránd University, AITIA INTERNATIONAL Zrt., CITYLOG Logistics Service and Advisory Ltd., MultiRáció Business and Financial Informatics Service and Development Company, NETvisor Informatics and Communication Zrt.